Monday, March 2, 2009


We had two next door neighbors that we were pretty good friends with them, we'll just call them K and D. Well these two boys were like the boy versions of us, and we had some pretty fun times together. Things got really fun/interesting when we got into a prank war with them. We started it by stealing some of their things and putting them in jell-o. They stole our mattresses while our roommate Ali watched. We decided to write a fun message on K's car, the car that they shared since D didn't have one. Here are the pictures from our prank. The funnest part was is that they were at our apartment and saw the car while we were with them. Their reactions were priceless. After this little prank the boys put a bunch of live crickets in our apartment. It was gross, they were noisy and everywhere! Everyone moved out for the week except for Jacqui, she stayed back and killed all of the crickets! The pranks that we played this year were so much fun. Here are the pictures from the car prank we pulled:

Another memorable prank was when some different neighbors snuck into our apartment and dyed our milk pink. We got the boys back by making them hot sauce brownies! We left them on their doorstep, and ran and hid. A few minutes later we left a cup of pink milk (to let them know that we knew it was them that pranked us) on their doorstep. We started running after we rang their doorbell, and they chased us! We were so close to being caught, we got chased down all three flights of stairs, and luckily were able to hide in a friends apartment in the basement. The whole time we were running we could hear the boy chasing us right behind us. The adreneline rush stayed with us, and started our fun times pranking people all through college!

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