Friday, May 13, 2011

All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone.

Well, it has been exactly one week since the Spring 2011 semester of school ended. Exactly one week since we moved away from Logan. Now this is normal, every year when the school year ends everyone cleans up their apartment, packs their stuff and moves somewhere new. This year Lindsay moved home to Salt Lake, and Jacqui moved home to Roy. We are only about 35 minutes away from each other, but that is a lot different then sitting chairs next to each other, or sleeping on bunk beds!

Anyways, the reason we haven't posted on here much is because we decided (along with our friend Rhiannon) to make a documentary about our last two weeks of school. Well, the documentary is done and 28 minutes long haha! It's pretty much like episode 1 of the Mountains! We will be on Mtv soon!! So I (Lindsay) will go ahead and write down some important events that happened during the last two weeks of school, and then post our documentary at a later date.

We will start with Friday April 28th. This was the day that I attended my student teacher orientation and found out that I filled my card out wrong when I applied to student teach, and pretty much ruined my placement. I was placed in a 3rd grade and 5th grade classroom, but I am supposed to teach Kindergarten for one block. Leave it to me to screw that up haha! So now they have to find me a new placement! Whoops!

That night our school was hosting a free Sean Kingston concert. We were all pretty excited, they shut down the main street that runs through our school and put up a huge stage! They had a concert going on from 3pm until 8pm when the big S.K. came on. It was a pretty sweet deal! Except for the fact that it was freezing cold and snowing on and off... But that didn't stop us, and we went anyways! Kirsten and Rhiannon came with us too! It was really fun. We thought we were going to freeze but we were sweating the whole time. It was packed, and we got pushed everywhere! I broke my phone, Jacqui got elbowed in the face, Rhiannon got bit on the arm, and Kirsten got separated from us for the whole concert....that pretty much sums it up haha! Our theme for the night was to do it from behind...not in an innapropriate way like you are probably thinking though...

The three best friends that anyone could have....smashed together at the concert.

Me and Rhi

Me, Rhi and Kirsten

The big S.K. Man of the hour.

After the concert our good friend Sheep-Goat invited us to come to a fire up in the mountains. We brought along our roommate Clelia and her friend Aubree. It was a pretty good time. A few notes about this fire....the marshmallows were too big to cook, and my hair almost got lit on fire...Rhiannon risked her life to get the flame out of my hair with her hands, Jacqui was there to help her! Thats when you know you have good friends!

Rhi and Sheep-Goat bonding in their matching hats!

Rhiannon sandwich at the fire.
Kolby photobombed us (from behind).

Aubree, Clelia, Jacqui and a boy whose name I don't remember..

Me and Rhi

Clelia being a party pooper haha! She hates it when I take her picture!

During our last week of school we had to study for finals. Well Jacqui had some big finals that she was worried about that she had to take on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I only had one final that I was a little bit worried about on Thursday. We spent a lot of afternoons either studying or taking naps on the quad. There isn't very much time in Logan when the weather is good, so when it is we have to take full advantage, and taking naps on the quad is one of our favorite things to do. It is so important to us that on our last day of institute we decided to take a nap on the quad instead of go to class...CTR, always. Between studying, naps on the quad, taco Tuesday and spending quality time with good friends we were pretty busy. After Jacqui's final on Wednesday we drove down to Salt Lake to hang out with my cousin Whitney, her husband Adam, and their adorable baby Regan. I wish I would have gotten pictures this day, because that baby is too cute. We went swimming with Whit and Regan and my bro Ty and his wife and baby Tay joined us. It was a good day!

Thursday was a big day for us. I had my final, it was Cinco de Mayo, and our last day in Logan! I went and got cupcakes with Rhiannon, our last cupcake friday (thursday) and then we all hung around outside because it was so nice. Then me and Jacqui decided to rent a double bike because we have been wanting to do it for like 3 years now. We went and rented the bike, and tried to ride it in an alleyway. It was soooo hard! One of the hardest things we have ever done! It took a few tries for us to gain confidence, trust, and learn to balance and then we were off! We were pretty much professionals. It was so much fun! We can't wait to do it again! Michael Moss, Blake, and our roommate Alex came downtown to see us ride it and to try it themselves.

For our last night in Logan we went to Taco Time to get 59 cent was Cinco de Mayo after all! Of course we had to wear our sombrero's! After that we spent the night cleaning, packing, and hanging out with our friends. It was a really fun night, and the perfect way to end the semester.

Happy Cinco de Mayo Fill-Up

Happy Cinco de Mayo Matty Patty Cakes!

Jacqui, Alex, Lindsay

Tacos for Cinco de Mayo!!

Michael Moss took this picture on my camera....

Blake took this pic...

Riding bikes in Michael Moss and Butterscotch's apartment!

It was really sad to see this year end. We had so much fun and made some really great friends. Its a hard transition for both of us to be home, but we already saw each other two times since we moved out haha! We are going to make it a weekly tradition so that we can at least keep this blog going! We are excited for the summer and excited to reunite with everyone in Logan in the Fall. Thanks to all of the really good friends we have made this year: Rhiannon, Michelle, Fill-Up, Matty Patty Cakes, Michael Moss, Blake, Cake John (and his friends), Chazz... there are definitely many more!

And on one last note, congrats to Tyler and Corey for graduating from the University of Utah! We are happy we got to be there to make glitter signs and celebrate with you!!

Corey and Tyler waiting to graduate. So serious. 

Corey loved his glitter sign! 

Ty loved his glitter sign too! 

Congraduation boys!!

Next year this will be us graduating! Hopefully we don't have to make our own glitter signs haha!

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