Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Double Double Toil and Trouble (Halloween Weekend)

Yay!! Halloween. One of our very favorite holidays. We both love to dress up, and we love to think of costumes to wear. We decided our costume for this year probably almost a year ago. We just have so much fun planning these things. How could you not when there are so many great things involved? Like fake eyelashes, glitter, cute outfits, fun makeup....the list goes on and on.

So. Last year we were sailors, and we loved our costumes! They were pretty cheap, especially considering we NEVER buy our costumes from a costume store. We put them together piece by piece. And its safe to say that our sailor costumes were a lot cuter than any of the acutal sailor halloween costumes last year. So this year we decided that we would be siamese cats. As in conjoined cats. We had so much success when we dressed up as siamese mexicans, that we figured why not do it again? And we chose to be cats because they are cute, and we are cute, and we like to dress up cute. Make sense?

Naturally when October 1st came we decided that it was time to start shopping for our costumes and putting them together. We found our cat ears, and started working on our tu-tu's. Things were well under way for Halloween, and we were excited! Now lets move forward to Halloween weekend....

We drove down to Salt Lake and went trick-or-treating at my (lindsay) mom's work. It was really fun to see Taylor (lindsay's niece) dressed up in her Halloween costume. And we got some yummy treats! After trick-or-treating we got ready to go to a concert.

At in-n-out.
Yes, we asked for hats.
Yes, we got many strange looks from other customers.
Yes, it was worth it.

Kate Voegele and Parachute!
We were more than excited for this one.
So much fun!

In the concert!
We made our way through the crowd a little bit.
Thanks to a mom that was drunk, and there with
her young daughter and husband.
She felt bad for us because we were short and let
us stand in front of her!
It was definitely our gain!

After the concert under the sign!
This concert was so much fun!
Both of the bands were amazing!
This was such a great way to start off our fun weekend!

Saturday: Halloween Celebration.
On saturday we shopped in Salt Lake for awhile before heading back up to Logan. We went to stake conference on saturday night and then came home to get ready to go to The Howl (the biggest Halloween party in Utah, that happens to be thrown by our school)! We couldn't wait to get all dressed up and go party. The Howl is always so much fun, and it is definitely something we look forward to every year. Lindsay's friend Amy and her roommate Jessica also came up to Logan to go the Howl with us! It was so much fun to have them here! It was also pretty funny that our costumes coordinated.... who knew we would all be wearing homemade tulle tu-tu's?

Roommate picture before the Howl!
(Jacqui and Lindsay-siamese cats. Misha-fairy. Julie-geisha. Aubrey-pirate)

Friend picture before the party!
(Siamese cats. Amy-white swan. Jessica-black swan)

So cat and swan like!!

Siamese cats/BFFs
Our cat costume turned out really cute!

Amy and Lindsay
BFFs since 3rd grade.

This picture is from the after party at Rancheritos.
We went there to get breakfast burritos with Amy and Jessica before they drove home.
And we happened to run into a lion and a monkey that we danced with at the howl.
They were pretty excited to see us again,
and the monkey made us take a picture with him,
we didn't mind.
P.S. the monkey and the lion made their costumes from baby halloween costumes!

And of course we ran into B.B. Gun at Rancheritos.
We run into him everywhere!
Ohhhh B.B. Gun.
And his costume? Who really knows what he is.
We have a few ideas....

3:45 a.m. Home at last, and happy as two cats can be. We would be even more happy if someone scratched behind our ears!

The Howl was a blast! Even though we were black cats, no one was scared to cross our paths.They had a concert that we stayed at most of the time! We all danced our little hearts out until we were either injured or too tired to move! They also had snake charmers with real life snakes, and free diet coke! It was the perfect Halloween party.....everything we ever could have wished for! We are thinking that because we were cats for Halloween that they should rename the Howl and call it the Meow. Just an idea for next year :)

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