Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Jacqui!

Today is Jacqui's birthday so I thought that I would write a little post for her!

After seven months and one day you have finally caught up to me and are 23 years old. It's a pretty big milestone I would say. 23 has been a good year for me, so I know it will be for you too!

Here are 23 things that I like about you:

1. You are really funny.
2. You are a really good friend.
3. You shower less than I do.
4. You help me decide whether I should wear a coat or boots (by what you are wearing).
5. You complete my sentences.
6. You are a really good listener.
7. You sing songs that you don't even know what they are.
8. You taught my how to curl my hair.
9. You dream big.
10. You like the same activities that I do (spying, playing pranks, etc.).
11. You have a neat laugh.
12. You are a really good example.
13. You are always trying to be better at the things you do.
14. You are really motivated.
15. You are like, me.
16. You always try to do the right thing.
17. You always have new ideas of things to do.
18. You are a great partner in crime.
19. You can read minds.
20. Did I mention that you are really funny?
21. You always try to make everyone feel welcome.
22. You are really smart.
23. You are my best friend!

I am so glad that fate brought us together 3 years ago! And by fate I mean our mothers womb... and then girls camp... and then Continental Apartments. I don't know if I ever would've survived living in Logan without you as my roommate. I am so glad that we have so many fun memories together, and I can't wait until we get married and live next door to each other! I bet the twins that we marry will be pretty great too. I'm so glad that I found a best friend that I can be myself completely around! There is no one else that I would want to be called Thing 1 and Thing 2 with or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum with! Thanks for being such a great friend to me! 23 is going to be a good year for you, I can feel it!

Just for fun I will add some (23, obviously) pictures of us over the past 2 1/2 years...a stroll down best friend lane if you will.

1. Our first year at USU

2. Tye Dye dresses! We made these!

3. If you have tye dye dresses, you must start a band.

4. Confetti?

5. Teacher statue.

6. Heather Sandwich :)

7. Halloween our first year at USU

8. Dying Jacqui's hair

9. Nerds Rope!

10. Our first pet.

11. Jumping off of the 'A'

12. Year two at USU, confetti for my birthday.

13. Festival of Colors 2010

14. Halloween 2009- Mexican Siamese Twins

15. Photo Shoot

16. Snow ball fights

17. Mini Thanksgiving!

18. Year three at USU- leaf confetti

19. Buying furniture together

20. Life of the party.

21. Meeting Goofy :)

22. Mini Thanksgiving

23. Vacation to the beach!

Happy Birthday Jacqui!!

1 comment:

  1. SO CUTE!! SO glad that you two are such great friends - it is so lucky when you find that "special" friend that you can share so much with! I do hope you marry twins and live next door! Happy Birthday Jacqui and here's to a great 23rd year! Love you both!!
